5 Fun Activities Your Child Can Play with Hobby Horse Toys

When you look around, you’d be hard-pressed to find a child without their face glued to an electronic device. Sure, electronic devices provide ample opportunities for educational apps and videos, but too much screen time is not healthy for your child’s developing brain. In fact, new guidelines released by the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend no more than an hour a day of screen time for children between the ages of two and six (with no access to screen time for children under the age of one).
So, what exactly is a parent to do when they need to occupy their children’s time? At Toy Box, we take great pride in providing parents around the world with educational, exciting, and engaging toys designed for hours of play. Today, we’d like to share a few of our favorite ways to play with one of our favorite toys, Hobby Horse Toys.
What is a Hobby Horse?
The hobby horse is a plush horse’s head securely attached to a wooden rod designed for pretend play. Complete with a soft mane made from yarn and a realistic halter, this engaging toy is sure to provide boys and girls ages three and older with hours of creative and imaginative free play.
Fun Ways to Use Your Hobby Horse?
1. Take a Fun Ride
What better way to foster an environment geared towards creative learning than by pretending to ride your very own horse? The hobby horse allows your young horse lover to pretend they are going on a fun adventure or galloping off into the sunset. The possibilities are endless.
- Jumping obstacles in the backyard
- Gymkhana games, such as an egg-and-spoon race or pole bending
- Races
- Costume competitions
- Parades
- Trail rides
- Obstacle courses
- And more
2. Compete in a Horse Show
Your child will love jumping, galloping, trotting, and showcasing their elegant and beautiful horse in their very own horse show! Not only is it fun, but it also provides an opportunity to get a little exercise in while they play!
Some common role-play horse tasks include:
- Feeding
- Watering
- Grooming
- Cleaning
- A visit from the vet
- Riding
3. Grooming
Horse toys aren’t just fun. They’re educational too! Taking care of a real horse takes a great deal of work. While a hobby horse doesn’t require nearly as much maintenance, it sure is fun to pretend. The ByAstrup horse care set provides an opportunity for your child to groom and feed their horse in their very own barn. Complete with brushes, a comb, an apple, carrot, and lettuce, this 8-piece wooden set is guaranteed to be a huge hit! You can encourage your young one to create an area in their room or play space to use as a pretend barn. If you aren’t familiar with basic horse care, you can look online or take your child to the library to learn more.
4. Dress Up
Every horse needs a blanket, a bonnet, and a halter! Dress up your Hobby Horse with the ByAstrup three-piece accessory set. You can even provide your young horse jockey with their very own riding helmet to fully immerse them in their world of play!
5. Homemade Horse Accessories
Looking to take creativity to the next level? There is a wide range of DIY horse accessories you can help your child create.
- Feed and muck buckets out of old take-out containers.
- Make a stable out of old wood pieces or cardboard boxes.
- Lead ropes, bridles, and halters out of almost anything (old ropes, twine, yarn, etc.)